Feret Parfumeur Bloc Hyalin 100% Natural Alum Stone 3.52 Oz
For after shaving, waxing or as a natural deodorant.
Bloc Hyalin consists entirely of 100% natural alum stone. Handcrafted in France for generations by family owned Féret Parfumeur, Bloc Hyalin is made with constant concern for authenticity, impeccable quality, and respect for your skin.
For after shaving, waxing or as a natural deodorant.
Used a deodorant, Bloc Hyalin is totally odorless, and will leave your clothes unmarked. Unlike conventional deodorant that often simply masks odors, it remains on the surface of the skin and forms an invisible protective film of mineral salts which prevents the formation of bacteria that causes body odor. Bloc Hyalin does not block pores, allowing the skin to breathe normally, and simply prevents odors from forming, ensuring safe and natural freshness.
Bloc Hyalin prevents skin irritation after shaving or waxing. The absence of perfume, alcohol and parabens means it will be tolerated by all skin types.