Diamancel Diamond The Smoothie File #5
The Diamancel #5 File for hand calluses the best professional quality hand tool! Calluses of the hands are abnormal thickening and hardening of the skin in the hands due to repeated rubbing. The Diamancel hand calluses file #5 existe to erase this problem.
The hand calluses appear when the hands are solicited by repetitive movements. Such as the use of tools, at work, at home, in the garden. Also, when you practice physical activity such as climbing, fitness training
These callosities are also visible in musicians playing string instruments and percussion. Diamancel created 25 years ago now a hand calluses file specially designed to gently remove this dry skin and sometimes hard hands. And the rounded shape of the #5 file also allows you to work all around the nail. It is used on dry hands for a result of the easiest and effective, always smoothly, without any injury or pain. It disinfects in antibacterial solution like all Diamancel files. D’avantages of this Diamancel hand file: durable, economic, washable, hygienic and safe.