Abbate y La Mantia Facial Cream 50ml
Either for man or for women of all ages, it doesn’t matter: absolute quality is the only important thing.
As the first cream of our brand we designed the “passe-partout” facial cream in the world market.
ORIGINAL FORMULA ORGANIC AND 100% VEG: the highest percentage of saffron pistils’ glyceric extract, and the widest variety of vitamins ever seen before
OLFACTORY: here we are. Standing. The sun is rising. The sunlight is about to explode. The saffron flowers are about to open and invade everything. Waves of a sea made of cultivated fields
SENSUAL: if the queens of all antiquity, the medieval ladies and the most powerful women in the world in general, have always used this spice for their face, it cannot be a case.
ACTIVE: – limits redness by reactivating the microcirculation;
– natural microfilm that protects the skin from any type of external agent, atmospheric and/or polluting;
– free radicals (oxygenates the skin to obtain brightness and uniformity of the skin tone); and restores the skin cells.
“Since more than seven thousand years saffron is considered to be the elixir of youth“