Diamancel Diamond Fine Foot Rasp #21
The ideal foot file fine for small calluses or in finishing pedicure care.
The #21 file is a fine grit real diamond foot rasp. This foot care tool is ideal for removing dry and rough skin from the feet.
Use the foot file fine alone when you don’t have much or in finishing after used the #20 Foot callus file- Coarse or #22 FOOT CALLUS BUFFER- COARSE or #11 Foot callus buffer- Medium for a complete foot care.
The #21 foot rasp is durable because made of real diamond. Diamancel files are the most durable files on the market.
effective and easy to use: the abrasive natural properties of diamond do the work for you, effortlessly.
flexible hygienic because disinfects with alcohol or antibacterial solution respecting soaking time.
The foot callus file supplement to include in your beauty kit, perfect to leave your feet soft and smooth.
Don’t forget our Foot care cream to add softness to your feet after this routine.
Use the rasp #21 on dry skin for optimal results. The #21 foot rasp Diamancel is more effective when it is cleaned. Clean it after each use with soapy water with a soft brush, rinse with water and allow to dry before storing.